21 April 2010

Never Desperate Enough to Call This Number

This is the company our mechanic called to come to pick up my sister when she had a flat.  They left a stack of these business cards in her car.  On the back is their saying "We Come Lickity Split" You get a 10% discount if you agree to "show your toe for a tow"--is that even legal?
I would rather walk home than call this company.      

08 April 2010

The Lord Works in Mysterious Ways

We knew it was coming.  We have been holding our breath and turning out the lights each time we hear a car on the drive--and checking the caller ID before committing to answering the phone.  Finally, this Wed at 11:19 am our diligence paid off as the answering machine screened the call:

"I'm calling for Pastor to mention that he didn't get a chance to shake your hand on Easter Sunday. So he is wondering if anyone in your family is ill or hospitalized are if everything is well employmentwise or with your family in general. If you have any questions or concerns please contact Pastor here at Peace Lutheran Church [if not then we hope these events will soon unfold so as to give you a legitimate reason to pass the collection plate this coming week]."

And that, ladies and gentlemen, is how the Gallagher family achieved "Shut in" status. 

This Christmas I expect we will have some of the youth group swinging by to pray for us and drop off a Poinsettia, and this time next year we will eagerly be awaiting our new Easter Lily (both of which will kill our cats).

Just when you thought the St Louisers couldn't get any classier I managed to snap a photo of our Walgreens this past weekend.

04 April 2010

Dangers in Participating in Nude Gardening...

Traditionally, our family prefers competitive events to strengthen our ties (Scattergories, Bananagrams, and Scrabble are some favorites around here). But we decided that painting bird houses would suffice for a couple of weeks. My sister went with a classic barn motif, Mommie Dearest painted mini portraits of our pets looking "out" the bird house windows, and Dad had an octagon shaped house that he decided to paint with loud yellows and reds and the addition of several faux-entrances for confusion. I went with a slightly different theme for mine. I wanted to bring awareness to the serious safety concerns of World Naked Gardening Day on May 8th this year. My bird house will serve as a warning to neighbors who may be considering participation in this event; sure they have considered the additional sunscreen (and perhaps are planning on being more aware of the bumblebee that frequents my wisteria this time of year), but have they really considered the ramifications of being natural in nature?

Just my way of giving back

Easter in S. LO. MO.